The O.D.D. Couple
The O.D.D. Couple
Episode 7 - Goals and Objectives: how do you fix them?
Setting goals, setting objectives… Is this something you do? Do you do it like you are setting your New Year's resolution?
How can we make it work? Is there a recipe? They say a goal without a plan is just a dream… Join hosts, Dr. Stephane Reinhardt and Dr. Gerry Samson, who again are creating moments of couple discussing goals, objectives, and other stuff always in the same entertaining educational way. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this 7th episode of The O.D.D. Couple podcast.… Welcome to the OdD couple…
Listen and watch The O.D.D. Couple podcast; a dental and life podcast where the center of rotation is always outside of the box.
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Articles of interest:
Link to the NYT article
The Case of the Serial Sperm Donor - The New York Times
OKR history article:
What Matters: OKRs History &
Gerry's document of reference:
Videos of interest:
Black swan event videos from Dr. Gerry Samson and coll. (1 of 4)
OKR: John Doerr explains the secret to success setting the right goals
The inventor of the OKR explains what it is
Join Dr. Gerry Samson, orthodontist, and Dr. Stephane Reinhardt, general dentist, in these wonderful and engaging conversations spiced with a blend of biting wit and edgy humor. A method that has made Dr. Samson one of today's most popular educator. A method that has inspired Dr. Reinhardt (and continues to inspire him!).
You are welcome to send your questions, ideas directly to us. You also can leave your comments here!
You can reach us at:
✅Dr. Gerry Samson
✅(g)nathos website:
✅Dr. Stephane Reinhardt
Have fun creating moments of force, moments of couples, and never stop Making the MOVE!