The O.D.D. Couple
The O.D.D. Couple
Episode 9 - Controversies and concepts of ethics in dentistry
How to be ethical in dentistry? A conversation with Dr. Larry Jerrold where he talks with us about the most important things to remember about ethics, the things we should keep at the top of our heads.
Informed consent should be an ongoing conversation with our patients, and the second most important appointment in our treatments should be the final consultation. The one we do (or should do!) at the end of the treatment. Because, according to Dr. Jerrold, we can't hit a home run with every case.
This webcast is one that should not be missed and should be shared! Welcome to the 9th episode of The O.D.D. Couple!
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Join Dr. Gerry Samson, orthodontist, and Dr. Stephane Reinhardt, general dentist, in these wonderful and engaging conversations spiced with a blend of biting wit and edgy humor. A method that has made Dr. Samson one of today's most popular educators. A method that has inspired Dr. Reinhardt (and continues to inspire him!).
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The C.L.E.A.R. Institute is a Nationally Approved AGD PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD.
Who said dentistry and education should be boring❓❗❗❗
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